German Notaries in Rome and Santa Maria dell’Anima in the First Half of the 16th Century
Tobias Daniels

Foreigners who settled in Rome for religious or professional reasons usually joined a confraternity composed of people who originated from the same region or spoke the same language. Within these charitable institutions, they were able to receive practical, medical, and legal assistance. This research project is based on the assessment of early 16th-century notarial documents issued by ‘German’ notaries in Rome, professional figures originating from the Holy Roman Empire and associated with the Confraternity of Santa Maria dell'Anima. The aim of the investigation is to shed light on the dynamics and networks operating between the Confraternity, the Curia, and the various professional groups, and to examine the role played by linguistic or geographical affinities within these circles. The analysis reveals the heterogeneous composition of this professional group, which was characterized by long-lasting ties with the regions of origin complemented by solid integration into the Roman bureaucracy. A series of previously unpublished notarial documents provide new insights into the construction and artistic decoration of Santa Maria dell’Anima.