Research Report 2022–2024

Research Report 2022–2024

This website presents the scientific activities of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute of Art History (BHMPI). 
The digital report is complemented by the first edition of prisma, the new Hertziana Research Magazine, which gives readers an insight into our Institute’s inner workings and highlights the interdisciplinary nature of the research its members conduct.


The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History generates and promotes foundational research in the fields of the Italian and the global history of art and architecture. It is part of the Human Sciences Section of the Max Planck Society. This research report presents the research topics for the years 2022–2024, describes the results obtained and insights gained through both collective and individual research, and indicates the potential for further inquiry that would expand and deepen our understanding of the topics of interest in methodological, historical and geographical terms.

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The scientific services are vital for the running of the Institute. Collaboration between them is just as important as their close cooperation with the research departments and research groups. The following pages will document their crucial importance to the life of the Institute and illustrate the synergies that can emerge on the basis of open internal communication across all areas of the Institute. The work undertaken by the scientific services demonstrate both a readiness to respond to challenges and a willingness to seize opportunities to shape the Institute in innovative ways.

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This section summarizes essential elements of the research work, the results it has yielded, and how it has found recognition within the research community. The list of publications includes all publications by Institute members from 2022 to 2024 as well as all in-house publications – printed or open access. The list of events, which can be sorted by category, gives insight into the research work at the Institute during the reporting period. Furthermore, the external activies such as teaching and lectures, as well as the lists for honors, awards, and committee work demonstrate how our scholars are integrated into national and international networks.

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